Cowles received his law degree, cum laude, in 2001 from Arizona State University,
where he was an Associate Articles Editor for the Arizona State Law Journal. After
law school, Mr. Cowles clerked for the Honorable Frederick J. Martone, both at
the Arizona Supreme Court and at the United States District Court for the District
of Arizona. Before
attending law school, Mr. Cowles was an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Arizona
State University. He specialized in logic, philosophy of language, and contemporary
analytic metaphysics, and has published articles in those areas. He received his
Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1991 from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He
graduated from the University of Rochester in 1985, with a B.A., cum laude with
highest distinction, in Philosophy. Mr.
Cowles is admitted to practice in both state and federal courts in Arizona.
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